Friday, March 30, 2007

Every day a new adventure...

Amazing! Karissa can colour with four crayons at once! She tried, anyway... She loves to colour - we just have to make sure there is always someone with her - cuz apparently crayons taste really good!

Who knew the girl liked pickles? Joel and I don't really eat them, but she had about 3 at our barbeque on the weekend! We were wondering how she would react...
And we have a winner!
This was after a night of sloppy joes. Yes, there is a reason why they are called that! She had it all in her hair and all over her face! But she liked it! Good thing it was bath night...

Jen - my next post WILL have a prego pic on it - I promise!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

What you've all been waiting for! (I'm sure)

Hard at work! Joel was really determined to get rid of the green and orange (well, it was kind of more yellow, than orange) On Saturday he and a friend of ours worked from 9am until about 9pm (with a 3 hour break where Joel went to Moose Jaw to play basketball). It was a crazy day but they got a LOT done... as you can see from the next few pics!
It's still a work in progress, as we need to put up baseboard - finish off a few corners and cut in on top in a few places - but we're so excited about the new colour!

You'll have to excuse the leftover green... hopefully this weekend it will be white! Then we get to paint the bedrooms and the kitchen - and get rid of the lovely green banister... what a job that will be :) Hopefully it can all get done before baby comes... it better! We don't really have a choice! Personally - I just can't wait till my house can be put back in order...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fun in the Sun

My sincerest apologies to those of you who check our blog faithfully! I know it's been a LONG time since we've posted anything new... The last couple of weeks have been a little crazy around the house - and there wasn't really anything new to take pics of until now!
Our friend from Abbotsford, Christine, came out to visit last week and we had so much fun! We did some cool stuff - when the sun was out - like going to Crescent Park in Moose Jaw. It was a little cool still, but we had a lot of fun anyway - especially on the slide! So much fun, in fact, that Karissa threw a fit when we left... isn't that supposed to start later in life???
Karissa had lots of fun in the dirt - no pea gravel here, unfortunately! Oh well, kids are meant to get dirty! That's the whole fun of being a kid, right?
It was a fantastic visit... thanks so much for coming Auntie Christine! Stay tuned for more pics of our "new" house:) We have been (well, Joel has been) painting like crazy and it looks so good! No more orange and green!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

War wounds...

First rug burn... ouch! Karissa did a face plant on the floor of the coffee shop here in town - she was wearing her big pink snowsuit that she apparently can't stand very well in! Dad thought she had her balance, but she fell face first and couldn't get her arms out to stop her - that or she hasn't quite figured out that concept yet! She doesn't seem any worse for wear, though - as the next pic shows! Joel took that one last night. Her nickname is Rudolph right now :)
This is just one of her having fun in the kitchen. Who knew empty ice cream pails held so much excitement!