Amazing! Karissa can colour with four crayons at once! She tried, anyway... She loves to colour - we just have to make sure there is always someone with her - cuz apparently crayons taste really good!

Who knew the girl liked pickles? Joel and I don't really eat them, but she had about 3 at our barbeque on the weekend! We were wondering how she would react...

And we have a winner!

This was after a night of sloppy joes. Yes, there is a reason why they are called that! She had it all in her hair and all over her face! But she liked it! Good thing it was bath night...
Jen - my next post WILL have a prego pic on it - I promise!
I did come to see if you posted the preg pics... I will come back again! No worries!
Colouring with Karissa... how fun! I should get Samuel to do it too. I know he loves to be at or ON the table when the Students and Elijah and I am at the table doing "homework" or such... I guess it's time he did his own creations too. Thanks for the inspiration!
Wow, she looks so different! Her hair is getting long in the back! She's such a big girl:) Thanks for sharing the pics!
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