On Febrary 2nd, Karissa climbed up the stairs for the first time! We practiced once with me showing her what to do, and now she wants to do it all the time... how do you teach someone to go down the stairs is my question?

Playing with her friend Liam. We were at a potluck with some of our care group friends and these two were sitting on the floor playing so nice!

Karissa loves to tell stories... She'll usually take all of her books out of the basket and then proceed to tell me what they're about. She also entertains herself for awhile that way. It's really cute...
Our lives really aren't that exciting right now... there isn't a lot going on. It's too cold to go outside and do anything - minus 30 will keep you inside for sure. I keep meaning to get Joel to take a prego pic of me so I can post it, but always forget - or just don't feel very "picturish" when I think about it. One of these days! We hope you are all doing great!
How fun!
I just typed you a "sermon-nette" on how to get her to come down the stairs... but it got erased. Shucks. I don't have a chance to write you another novel so... get her to turn backwards, monitor her and she'll get it quickly!!
Awesome! good work Karissa!
So to go DOWN the stairs is a fun one. Turn her over, and show her how to go down backwards. Follow? She'll catch on quick... while you monitor though for awhile. Samuel scares me though when it looks as though he's going to just walk off the top step. I say "sit down" and then he does and turns over and comes on down. Now I am not putting up the gate anymore and he's been free to go up and down the stairs on his own. FREEDOM!!!
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