Easter in Calgary
Okay, so I'm a little slow on the uptake, but here they are anyway! I drove out to Calgary with the girls 2 weekends ago (Palm Sunday weekend). Originally it was just to spend the weekend with my sister and her family, but then our parents flew out and it turned into an Easter gathering!!!! We had such a blast...
The girls all decorated cookies that Mom made... then we got to have tea with the cookies and paska! Yum!
Easter egg hunting... that was so much fun! The girls were great :)
After the hunt.
While Rachelle and I hid the eggs, Grandma and Grandpa gave the girls their easter baskets which were full of goodies!
Before church on Sunday. Aren't they pretty?
This was taken at the zoo - we went into the gardens where they had all sorts of amazing flowers! Love the hydrangeas!
Nice pose of the girls... :)

The girls inside the kangaroo pouch.

Hanging out in the dinosaur park... Karissa did NOT like this part of the zoo! The dinosaurs are so cool - they actually roar and move their heads and tails. Not cool to Karissa, though - just scary :)
The girls inside the kangaroo pouch.
It was a fantastic trip. We all had so much fun. It would have been nice if Scott didn't have to be in class, and if Joel could have come with us - and if James and Lesley weren't on the other side of the world! such is life...
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