Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Opa's girls

This last weekend Joel's dad came out to see Chloe... and to help Joel with a few things around the house. Karissa decided she'd like to paint, as well, so she grabbed a paintbrush! Headed for the wrong place, though - the house is the other way!
Opa loved holding Chloe - and she made sure he got "the treatment"! Let's just say Opa had to put a few shirts in the wash before he left!
Opa and his girls :) This was taken on the morning that he had to leave - what a great shot!
Karissa found my oven mitts the other day. We have to keep putting things farther and farther up on the counter or the table, because if she wants it, she'll get it!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Second Week - we're getting better!

Grandma was here this week - which was great. Chloe loves to snuggle in to anyone - and she loves to be swaddled! Very different from Karissa who would have nothing to do with that!
Grandma and Karissa had a lot of fun, too. Karissa enjoyed playing piano with Grandma - they had a great duet going :)
Karissa loves her little sister! Not always - but most of the time :)
On Sunday afternoon it was really warm and we had planned to go to Crescent Park for a picnic. We packed a few things and stopped at KFC for some chicken - haven't done that in awhile! It was a really great time. Karissa loved the wide open space to explore and had a lot of fun doing that with Dad. (fyi - I am not nursing Chloe - she's having a bottle - just so you know!)

Our apologies for not keeping up with emailing and stuff - I'm sure you all understand :) It's going to take a little while to get into routine with these two girls - but it's already getting better so there is hope! Hopefully we can talk to you all sometime soon, but until then, take care!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Survivors of the first week!

What a cutie! She sleeps really well during the day :) Hopefully the trend will start at night, too - last night was great, I only got up twice with her - this compared to staying up for nearly 4 hours with her the first night home! Good thing Joel didn't have to work the next day - cuz when Chloe was up - everybody was up!
Tummy time! Dad's trying to protect Chloe from getting accidentally stepped on by her big sister. Karissa is doing really great with her little sister. We're slowly learning the meaning of "gentle", but it's hard to grasp! She loves to give Chloe kisses and hugs, though. It's great.
Oma loves getting her cuddles in with her 2nd granddaughter :)
We had our first bath today! As you can see, it didn't go over very well :( But now we're all clean!
Mom and her girls :) We try to make sure that everyone gets their cuddles in at some point during the day. I can't wait till Chloe's older and nursing doesn't take so long anymore!

So far it's been a pretty good week. We are very grateful to have Joel's mom here to help out - don't know what we would have done without her! We're also looking forward to my mom coming next week. It will take a bit of adjusting, but it's also a lot of fun... outings will be more interesting now, that's for sure! Can't just "pack up and go" like we used to! Soon enough...