Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our "Big" Girls

Our little girls aren't so little anymore! They are growing up faster than we'd like... I guess that's how it is with everyone, though - that's what I keep hearing! Chloe actually let me put pigtails in her hair - and I have the pics to prove it! Don't know if it'll happen again for awhile, unless I can strap her in her highchair or something. The girl does not sit still! Cute as can be, though :) And of course, big sister has to come and pose for a photo, too!
The leaves are falling like crazy around here. Our backyard gets a ton! I started raking the other day and made a pile at the bottom of the slide for the girls to slide into. They had a blast with it!

Karissa finally has her "big girl" bed! This is the bed that I put together all by myself! (well, I had a bit of "help") It took me probably twice as long as it would have taken Joel, but then, I had 2 kids in the room with me... The bed looks huge! I didn't remember a twin bed being that big! The great thing is that it's a bunk bed so when Chloe is big enough, the other bed will go on top so they can share a room!
And again, can't take a picture of one and not the other :)
Well, that's our little life in a nutshell right now. Joel is still working like crazy on the house. He got a lot done today. The weather has been gorgeous - cold in the mornings, but by the afternoon it's warm again. Perfect fall weather! Hope you are all doing well!

Monday, September 22, 2008

and so it begins...

Well, it has officially started - Joel tore off the siding on almost the whole front of the house on the weekend! He put up the foam that will insulate under the siding... we're pretty excited! We are still waiting for 2 windows that should be coming soon. Then he can really get things done.
The sund was kind of in a bad spot, so I didn't get a great picture. But that's what it looks like so far! He did more than that after the pic was taken... we'll keep you posted on the progress! It will look great when it's all done!
I could not get Chloe to smile for the life of me in this picture! I picked up these chairs at a baby swap meet thing in Moose Jaw on Saturday - got some other great stuff too! The girls were thrilled about their new chairs, and love to sit in them and read books, or watch cartoons in the morning.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

At the farm

We now go across the highway to a farm whenever we need eggs. They're a lot cheaper, they're fresh, and the farm has cows, which Karissa and Chloe love! We walk right by a calf pen whenever we go, and the girls both have to stop and say hi to the calves. Yesterday they were right by the gate, which is rare - they usually steer clear! Karissa was quite excited to see them so close!
Chloe loves to see the cows, too. She thought it was pretty cool that they were close up this time.
Karissa was just beside herself that the cows were right there. The look on her face is kind of funny, but I think she's saying, "mommy, cows!"
She tries to feed them hay whenever we go. This particular cow was really strange. It kept sticking it's nose through and trying to lick us. Not really sure what that means... Anyway, it's a fun little trip for the girls every couple of weeks!
Joel was working on windows yet again last weekend, and got the bobcat to help. When he drove it back he took Karissa along for the ride. She loved it!
Our masseuse-in-training! Karissa loves to help, and has watched me do it enough times that she's a "pro!" at least she will be when she gets bigger hands :)
Daddy has it made...

Monday, September 01, 2008

The last couple of weeks...

We haven't been doing a ton of stuff lately, as it's nearing the end of summer, so company is gone and things are pretty hum drum... but I did scrounge up some fun pics anyway! Take a peek...! Karissa learns well from her father... if we're gonna be sitting awhile anyway... :)
The girls have discovered how to "dance" together! Chloe learned Ring around the Rosie not that long ago, so we have been doing lots of that! It's especially fun in the pool, she has found!
On August 21st, Fiona and I took our kids to the circus that came to Moose Jaw. Yeah, it turned out to be kind of a bust! Not the greatest circus, for one, and the kids were too little! After the first part of the show, we went down to see the elephant that you could ride on if you wanted. The girls loved watching... Then we decided to head out, because with Fiona being due the next day - she was pretty tired of chasing Kaylana around, and Karissa and Chloe weren't going to hold out for another hour, either. Maybe another time!

Another shot of the dancing queens.