At the farm
We now go across the highway to a farm whenever we need eggs. They're a lot cheaper, they're fresh, and the farm has cows, which Karissa and Chloe love! We walk right by a calf pen whenever we go, and the girls both have to stop and say hi to the calves. Yesterday they were right by the gate, which is rare - they usually steer clear! Karissa was quite excited to see them so close!
Chloe loves to see the cows, too. She thought it was pretty cool that they were close up this time.
Karissa was just beside herself that the cows were right there. The look on her face is kind of funny, but I think she's saying, "mommy, cows!"
She tries to feed them hay whenever we go. This particular cow was really strange. It kept sticking it's nose through and trying to lick us. Not really sure what that means... Anyway, it's a fun little trip for the girls every couple of weeks!
Joel was working on windows yet again last weekend, and got the bobcat to help. When he drove it back he took Karissa along for the ride. She loved it!
Our masseuse-in-training! Karissa loves to help, and has watched me do it enough times that she's a "pro!" at least she will be when she gets bigger hands :)
Daddy has it made...

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