Havin' some fun...
We haven't been doing a whole lot since we've been back, besides being sick... well, the girls were, anyway. So, I just thought I'd post a few pics, just because!
Joel calls this the "after-fart" picture... nice. She was tootin' up storm and thought it was very funny... (I think that trait might come from Joel...)
First day in panties! (yes, Sam, that's what we call them at our house... we'll have some fun when you come out!) We started potty training on Tuesday, July 15 and we're doing so well! She's been great about everything... we have a sticker chart, but she's much more into us getting all excited for her a giving her hugs for going on the potty.
I had to get a picture of the pigtails! They are just so cute!!! It's a chore to get them in, but so worth it!
Joel wanted this on camera because it's been a LONG time since she cuddled with him like this. This was the day she was super sick and did nothing but sleep and watch cartoons all day. Poor thing!

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