Happy First Birthday Chloe!!!
We decided that we would celebrate Chloe's birthday on Saturday evening. Not a big party, but just a few close friends. It was a lot of fun! We got her the little people farm for her birthday, and I opened it a little early so I could use the animals for her cake! :)
The table all set and ready to go... on the menu was barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs, veggies and dip, popcorn twists and iced tea.
Josiah, Chad and Fiona with Kaylana are the friends that came to celebrate with us.
Is that my cake? Let's dig in!!!
Chloe inhaled her cake. Joel just gave her the whole piece and she just shoved all she could into her mouth! It was really funny... nothing compared to Karissa's first cake experience, but probably in less than a minute that cake was gone...
Of course, the icing is the best part!

This was a few days ago, when our weather was a little nicer! Karissa loves to pull Chloe in the wagon. She actually does pretty well! If I try to help her, she will remove my hand from the handle and say "No!"
Blowing bubbles in the backyard.
All right, if no one's gonna get me out of this sandbox, then I'll do it myself!
I wish this picture was a little darker... Joel figures Chloe is about 6 feet over his head. (how are you doing, Mom?) She loved every minute of it!

We wish you could have been here to celebrate Chloe's first - or that we could have been there... at least we can show you pictures!

This was a few days ago, when our weather was a little nicer! Karissa loves to pull Chloe in the wagon. She actually does pretty well! If I try to help her, she will remove my hand from the handle and say "No!"

We wish you could have been here to celebrate Chloe's first - or that we could have been there... at least we can show you pictures!
All right, I don't know where to start...first of all, freakin' amazing cake!!! It is so cute Mel!! What did you make the green grass out of? Very, very good job. Chloe looks so much like your baby pictures it's incredible! Last...Joel, you are crazy!! You're definitely going to give both grandma's a heart attack with that picture, I almost had one! I can't believe your girls don't freak out going so high! Too funny. Hope I remembered to comment on all the pictures I wanted to! Happy first birthday Chloe!!!
Happy 1st Birthday Chloe! Mel, wonderful job on the cake. Very creative.
Mel! I just found your blog (from looking through facebook). It took me 2 days, but I read it all :) So cool to see what people have been up to after Capers, or at least in the past few years. Your kids are super adorable, and seem VERY sweet! I love all the photos. I have a blog too, but you need to sign in with a google account to see it, so if you want, just send me your email address. I think if you click on my name from this post, it will lead you to the proper site...
Love Kath (Dirks - now Nickel)
Great cake, Mel! I love it!! It looks very professional!! :)
Happy Birthday Chloe... good to see taking some steps. You and Gabi are in the same boat... how fun!
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