our extended vacation - kind of back to front
We stayed at Oma and Opa's house for the last bit of our time in BC. Karissa started out the trip by being terrified of the dogs, but by the end she was giving them treats, begging to go outside to see them, pet them...
and even throw the ball for them! Wow... I didn't think it was going to happen :)
We had a fun night out at Aunty Char's place - Karissa got into everything - she even surprised Char with her reach! Char tried to "baby-proof" but underestimated a little!
We got a chance to go visit Jen Spring and her three great kids. Chloe and Gabby (in this pic) are about 6 weeks apart in age. Trying to get them to sit still long enough to get a picture of the two of them proved to be a challenge!
We're not really sure what Karissa was trying to do in this pic, but poor Aunty Chris! (yes, under all the hair, it's her!) Looks like Chloe will be walking before we know it!
Playing on the floor with Oma and Opa.
This was taken at the park close to where Oma and Opa live. We visited there almost every day that we were in Aldergrove! Chloe and Karissa loved the slide. Karissa always waited for someone to put Chloe up on the slide next to her so they could slide down together. It was very cute!

The swing at Grandma and Grandpa's house... 'tis a favourite of all the grandkids! It wasn't super warm, but we went out anyway!
Reading Curious George goes for a hike...
Uncle James came over one afternoon and played blocks with the girls. Well, he built towers with Karissa and "baby-zilla" ,as he nicknamed Chloe, came to knock them down. Very fun to watch.
Just chillin' with Grandma...
Have I put this one in already? I couldn't remember (and didn't look at the previous post) but it's cute anyway.

We had such a great time on the coast. It was awesome to see everyone as much as we did. Thanks for everything... we love you all!!

The swing at Grandma and Grandpa's house... 'tis a favourite of all the grandkids! It wasn't super warm, but we went out anyway!

We had such a great time on the coast. It was awesome to see everyone as much as we did. Thanks for everything... we love you all!!
That's hilarious, "baby-zilla." LOL Big job sticking all those pictures on a post and commenting too! Good for you, fun to see all the pics:) Hope your day is going well! We're just here enjoying yet more snow, I can't even see any of my plantlife anymore in the front or backyard. Fantastic!!
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