A weekend at the lake
This weekend we decided to camp up at Diefenbaker Lake - a place called Douglas Park. It was a gorgeous weekend, and a great campground - even though we were in the overflow. The lake was a little cool, but it felt nice on the hot days...
Chloe and mom hangin' out :) Jalen tryin' to get in on the pic!
Opa and Chloe digging in the sand.
We had to improvise when it came to bath time. Opa had a shower tap on the side of his trailer which he hooked a hose up to, so we filled a green bin from Superstore with warm water and in hopped the girls! The green bins are good for more than just groceries!
Chloe wasn't quite so happy to get in and get clean!
Oma and Opa with all their grandkids... Don't they look so proud?
Daddy and Chloe at the lake.
Jalen found a cool log to sit on and Joel pushed it out into the water a ways so they could float.
Loungin' around the campsite :)
Chloe trying on Opa's hat - so cute!
The girls all sittin' on the log having a great time!

We had an absolutely awesome time while Oma, Opa and Jalen were out. It was hard to say goodbye this morning. We're so glad that they could stay as long as they did, though... it was so much fun!!!