Monday, December 17, 2007

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas at our house! We wanted to do a little Christmas with just our family - I think that in the future, we won't do it on a Sunday, because Sunday's are always just a little bit messed up... anyway - the girls got to open a few presents... Karissa actually gets it this year! You just rip!

Of course Karissa has to help!
Chloe loved her train from Grandma and Grandpa... goes straight to the mouth, of course!
and we finished off with a family dinner - with an "extra". Our friend Amy joined us, too. She's a college student here and has exams this week. Karissa's posing in the corner - that's her new thing. Pull out the camera and that's what she does!
Well, it is now time for us to pack up and go! We leave tomorrow morning and get into Abby at about 3:00. Wahoo! We are excited :) It will be so good to see everyone! Yes, Jen, I will give you a call. I had planned on it! See you all soon!

Monday, December 10, 2007

A week of firsts!

It was a big week last week! Karissa got her first haircut! We went to a girl here in town that does my hair, Mel Vlaming, and she did a really good job. Karissa wasn't sure at first - I was worried that she wouldn't let Mel cut her hair, but once she started combing Karissa's hair, Karissa settled down - she loves getting her hair combed! We even got to keep some of her hair for her baby book! I can't believe how fine and blonde it is...

Well, we made the switch. Karissa is now in her toddler bed. I wasn't sure if she'd be ready for it, but it wasn't that big a deal for her to switch! It's close enough to being her crib that it's probably okay. So far I haven't been woken up with a child staring into my face - I'm sure that will come!
She was quite excited to be able to crawl into her own bed.

Only 8 more sleeps till we come to Abbotsford! I am quite excited to see everyone :) We'll be there till January 3rd, so hopefully we can visit you all!

Monday, December 03, 2007

New Pictures - finally!

Yes, I know, it's been FOREVER since I've added new pics... but starting a new business is hard work! I am officially a Tupperware Consultant - yay! It's really fun, and off to a pretty good start... perhaps I can entice some of you to buy from me while I'm in BC... :):) Just kidding - anyway, a couple of weeks ago - Grey Cup weekend, to be exact (you know, when the Riders won!) we set up our little Christmas tree. Karissa was very excited to help this year. She watched me while I put the branches in the holes and then decided that she'd like to do that too.

I love this picture, it's so precious! She took one ornament and basically stuck it on a branch, then took it off and put it somewhere else - hey, whatever works!
The tradition of putting the star top!
First bath together! This was the other night - with Chloe sitting up no, I figured they could be in the bath at the same time. Karissa thought it was really neat. Good thing Chloe was a good sport, cuz Karissa initiated her by dumping water on her head!
This last week we were all pretty sick - everyone got the stomach flu but Chloe! Karissa was pretty exhausted and cuddled with Dad a lot :)