Well, not much is happening around here, except that it snowed last night! It didn't stay - by the afternoon it was all gone. It can stay away for long time as far as I'm concerned... Chloe had her shots on Tuesday. Poor thing. She actually doesn't react too much to them, except that she gets really irritable... Get this - she is a whopping 17lbs! She has more than doubled her birth weight and she's just barely 5 months old! She's also 27 inches long, so she's a big girl :) Gets that from her daddy for sure! Anway, here are a few cute pics of the girls for ya...

This one makes me laugh. Chloe looks like one of those smiley faces you make with the half circles on either side of the smile... too cute!

Wish this one came out right... it showed me it would, but whatever. Karissa found a pair of Joel's socks in the clean laundry basket and decided she wanted to wear them. She walked around for quite awhile in them!

Me and my little (big) girl!

We're borrowing this Bumbo chair from a friend - it's a pretty cool invention! Chloe usually doesn't like to sit in it for anymore than a few minutes, but at least she gets to sit up like she wants to!