This one's for you, Grandma!

This is Karissa's idea of helping with the laundry. Actually, what really happens is that mom sticks her in the laundry basket to carry her upstairs, cuz it's easier :) She doesn't seem to mind!
This is Karissa's 1o month picture - getting her to actually sit still by the bear is getting more and more difficult (we've been doing this since she was a month old...) Can you see her two little teeth on the bottom? She's got four more on top! Ouch! (let me tell ya...) She's getting so big - you'll barely recognize her at Christmas time!
Well, that's all for now... I'd like to send a big CONGRATS out to my friend (and possibly yours) Jen Spring - cuz she's having her third baby! Way to go, Jen! (and hey, big news - I got my links to work, finally - so if you want you can click on Jen's and see the creative way she told everyone!)