Trimming the Tree
It has been a long time since I've posted a blog... sorry to those of you who do not have the chance to catch up with our family on facebook! Since last post, Joel and I have been to Australia for an amazing 2 weeks without the girls :) We have a lot of pics on facebook of that, but I never really got a chance to post any on here... since we have been back life has been busy! Readjusting to life as a family again, enjoying the beautiful weather, and now Christmas preparations! It's coming up so fast, as usual! Last weekend we decorated the Christmas tree... believe it or not, Joel was the one to request the decorations because apparently I was "too slow" this year!
Chloe got to put the star on the tree this year, which was her highlight!

When Karissa got up on Monday morning, the tree was up. She was so excited to see it! Since we were decorating it that night, there was nothing but lights on the tree. She decided that it needed something, so she went to her toybox and picked out some necklaces, and other things that could hang on the tree. It was so precious!