Oma and Opa's visit
This is long overdue, but at least I'm posting new pics! Joel's parents came out the last part of Spring Break (in BC) and stayed till Sunday morning, when we drove them to the airport. We had a great visit and the girls loved waking up to find Oma and Opa in the living room every morning!
Karissa and Chloe each got a bear from Oma and Opa when we went to Walmart the one day... Chloe's is about as big as she is... They sure do love them!

Karissa loves colouring with the eraseable markers on her whiteboard (which she's not allowed to do very often) and was so excited to have Opa draw with her.
The favourite passtime. Oma got to the point of hiding that particular book because that's all the girls wanted to read!
Oma was the "horsie" one morning - I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into! That's all the girls wanted to do! (and they're not light anymore!)
Breakfast wasn't even over yet and Karissa wanted to bring out the playdoh. I'm not sure who had more fun, Opa or the girls :)
We had such a great time. Went out for a nice dinner at Boston's Pizza, went to the Spa to go swimming, and of course, played Kanasta after the girls went to bed! Thanks for everything! It was fantastic!

Karissa and Chloe each got a bear from Oma and Opa when we went to Walmart the one day... Chloe's is about as big as she is... They sure do love them!

We had such a great time. Went out for a nice dinner at Boston's Pizza, went to the Spa to go swimming, and of course, played Kanasta after the girls went to bed! Thanks for everything! It was fantastic!