Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa
This last weekend my parents came out to celebrate my 30th birthday, which was today! We had such a great time - it was too short, though... On Saturday, me and my mom had some "girl time". We went for lunch at a little coffee shop downtown Moose Jaw, and then went to get pedicures at a place called "Little Spa on the Prairie". It was pretty cute! We forgot our cameras, of course, so decided just to get a picture of our done-up toes instead.
We decided that we would love to have my parents out here when we dedicated Chloe, too, so that's what we did! We worked it out with our pastor - who just does dedications whenever - and he did it on Sunday morning. It was a really nice dedication.

Grandma found these cute little dresses for $3 a piece at Superstore so we had to dress them up on Sunday morning!
We had a birthday dinner on Saturday night, and grandma even brought balloons and I don't know what you call these things - but Karissa had a blast blowing them!

All set for lasagne, cesar salad and garlic bread supper! With sparkling apple juice to drink. (Karissa could not get enough of it! we thought she'd hate the fizziness! Boy were we wrong...)
Grandpa playing ring around the rosie with the girls.
It was great because Grandma and Grandpa got to read all of the stories that we've read a million times each...
It was the best weekend ever! Thanks so much for making the trip out, mom and dad. You made our birthdays really special - and Chloe's dedication, too!