This year it was our turn to trek out to Red Deer and spend Thanksgiving and Scott and Chelle's house. My parents came out too! It was a great weekend - minus a broken down van - and we have pictures to prove it!
All the girls were vying for Grandma's attention. She needed more of herself to go around! This didn't last long, as 5 on a piano bench is a bit much!
Karissa even got some cuddle time with Grandpa while us girls went out by ourselves for a bit.

On the Saturday we went to Mackenzie Trails where we spent some time playing at the park and roasting marshmallows. It was a little cool, but still tons of fun!

Grandpa decided it would be fun to roll down the hill with Tegan and Anaya, and when they got to the bottom, they thought it would be fun to bury Grandpa in the leaves!

We tried to get a good shot of the girls in the leaves - I think Rachelle has a better one on her camera - but this one's pretty cute, too :)

We roasted marshmallows and made s'mores - yummy! Karissa was determined to help me, wouldn't let me just do it for her!

We all had a great time in Red Deer. My stay ended up a little longer than everyone else's. On Saturday on the way home from the park, the van died and we couldn't get it started again. Scott and Dad stayed with the van and waited for the tow truck, who brought it to Canadian Tire. The guys at Canadian Tire fixed a bunch of things and sent me on my way. I was about 15 minutes out of Red Deer on Wednesday morning when it died again. I managed to get it started and drive back to Chelle's place. We took it back to the shop and it took them until Thursday afternoon to figure out the problem, and finally on Friday night I got it back. I did get to stay at Chelle's and have more of a visit, but she was sick with the flu all of Thursday, my girls both had really bad colds and weren't sleeping great (so, neither was I) and then Chloe proceeded to get the flu on Saturday, the day we left! Needless to say, it was REALLY good to get home. :)