Monday, March 17, 2008


Chloe decided one day last week that it might be fun to crawl under the car exersaucer rather than sit in it! We thought for sure she would get stuck... but she found her way out! She was pretty excited about it, so I'm sure it won't be the last time!
Chloe has become very attached to this little bear! She absolutely will not let go of it :) The other night while I was trying to nurse her, it kept getting in the way - so I grabbed it and threw it back into the crib. Well, that was not the best idea, as she began screaming. So, I had to get it again before she would calm down enough to eat and go back to bed. Crazy girl! It is a very cute attachment, though.
Yes, we are tall enough to reach the piano keys - barely! She loves to tinker on the piano keys, especially when her big sister is around doing the same thing :)
Well, on the 26th Chloe will be 10 months! Where has the time gone? We're not really sure, but she sure has grown fast! It's funny, because the clothes that she's wearing now, Karissa was wearing when she was closer to a year - and even a bit after! Wow. I think we might be working on some top teeth now, which isn't all that fun, but has to be done, I guess! She is a lot of fun, as you can see!

Monday, March 10, 2008

FINALLY some new pics!

Our little smarty-pants Chloe has been pulling herself up on anything and everything for the past few weeks. Crazy girl! Any chance that she has to stand she will - it's great but it also means a lot of bumps and bruises when she loses her balance! Who is this headless monster?
Karissa! She decided to put on mom's jacket and have a little bit of fun.

This cat was played with by my dad when he was little and then by all the grandkids and now Karissa is playing with it! The poor kitty doesn't have front paws, but it also doesn't try to run away from her or get mad and swat at her if she pushes a little too far!
The "9-month-pic". She's growing up so fast! What a sweetheart :)

We are looking forward to Easter and Joel's parents coming out to celebrate with us. I'm sure the girls will love seeing Oma and Opa!