Karissa decided that it would be fun to give Chloe a "bath". She hasn't figured out how to get the soap out of the container yet (thank goodness) but she kept pretending to put soap on her hands and wash Chloe. It was really cute.

After bathtime - before we brushed her hair!

Yesterday morning Karissa helped mom bake muffins. She helped me put a few ingredients in and mixed it all up. She had a lot of fun! One day we'll have a little baker!

The girls are both growing up so much! Karissa gets more and more fun every day... she's already starting her imagination! She takes one of her spoons and a small bowl and pretends to eat out of it, then will give it to me to feed her. It's really cute. Another one of her tricks in throwing everything she can find into the bathtub when it's filling up with water. That's always fun - for her :) She doesn't really have a lot of words yet, but her babble is getting really cute - hopefully this means words are just around the corner! That will be so nice...
Chloe is still growing like a weed! She is such a big girl already! She smiles all the time and "talks" our ears off! It's very cute. She sleeps through the night (most nights - well, when she's not sick!) and is such a good baby. We have been blessed with 2 wonderful little girls... wish that they could grow up with all of you...
So fun! I found Elijah also to not have a lot of words, but I figured it was b/c he was the first child... Samuel on the other hand has tonnes of words and that I say as well is b/c he is the second child. So watch out for Chloe!! You say she's already talking your ear off...just wait! ;)
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