On Sunday the kids in our Sunday School did their Christmas program. It was early, but we had no choice! They did a fantastic job!

Karissa was supposed to be an angel in the nativity. They got her all dressed up and she was quite excited to be an angel. And as you can see, she looked really cute! (That's her friend Jana next to her) Well, she walked up with the kids, but as soon as she was supposed to go up the stairs to the stage, she freaked right out! She started crying, "Mommy!" and so she came back to sit with me for the rest of the time :) It was pretty funny.

This is the nativity scene. Kids are so great!

Every year there is a mens "choir". All the men in the church go to the front and sing "Go Tell it on the Mountain". It sounds really good!

These are all the kids in Sunday School, minus the little kids.

Our high school kids did a Christmas version of Family Feud - Ficticious Christmas Characters versus Biblical Characters. It turned out really well!

Little poser :) This was from her goody bag. The kids all got them - and they were chocked full of candy!

Chloe is fascinated by the Christmas tree at church...

Karissa's divin' in to the goods! This is our friend Leona Reimer. She's a really good friend of ours and Karissa adores her :)
Those pictures totally bring me back to our church Christmas concert days...so fun!!
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