Community Day!
On Saturday, Caronport had their first annual community day! It started off with a parade (yes, our tiny town had a parade) and then there were booths set up, and push car races, and live entertainment (local, of course) and a bbq for lunch! What a day! We could only stay for some of it, as there was lots to be done in the yard and it was first warm sunny day we've had in awhile.
The Caronport Fire Department was in the parade squirting water at all the people watching...
The token fire dog :) She's actually a chocolate dalmatian, not a black one, and she's not even really a fire dog, but her owner is one of the firemen, so it was cute!
The girls went and grabbed the candy as it was thrown out.
Chloe and Karissa waiting for the parade to start.

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